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Happy cow


This website is a great resource when traveling or just looking for new vegetarian or vegan places to eat. It has information; like locations, websites and sometimes reviews of many great places all over the globe.


David Watson


The founder of the vegan society. Started on his vegan journey at 14 years old and lived a healthy life to 95 years old.



The Vegan Society


The Vegan Society is an educational charity that promotes and supports the vegan lifestyle.


Vegetarian Resource Group


The Vegetarian Resource Group is just that. A site filled with information for vegetarians, vegan and all other looking for more information into this style of living. There are helpful guides and recipes.


The Vegetarian Times


The Vegetarian Times is a good resource for recipes and living a vegetarian lifestyle.


Michael Pollan


Michael Pollan does not follow a plant-based diet but he promotes the great message of how we should eat; only whole foods, nothing processed.  If you have any time on your hands his books are both educational and entertaining.